Understanding Reading Success Plans
Section 167.645, RSMo, states “At the beginning of the school year, each school district and charter school shall provide a reading success plan to any student who: (1) Exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading which creates a barrier to the child’s progress learning to read. The identification of such deficiency may be based upon the most recent assessments or teacher observation; or (2) Has been identified as being at risk of dyslexia in the statewide dyslexia screening or has a formal diagnosis of dyslexia.”
A Reading Success Plan, or RSP, is a well-developed and defined plan to support students who exhibit a substantial deficiency in reading. Missouri legislation (Section 167.645, RSMo) specifically addresses student literacy and lists the requirements of an RSP. The development of an RSP includes the process of gathering and analyzing student data, determining if a student has a substantial reading deficiency (SRD), using data to set student growth goals, and assessing whether students meet those goals at the end of instruction. Students who receive an RSP must have evidence-based intervention reading instruction that is grounded in the science of reading.
An RSP is designed to monitor the specific skills needing improvement as identified through a state-approved assessment, dyslexia screener, teacher observation, or any other relevant student reading data. The teacher should use the identified skills to select aligned, appropriate, and explicit interventions as well as progress monitoring tools to measure growth.
This guidance offers a formalized, collaborative process for developing an RSP using assessment analysis and student growth data in the evaluation and planning of reading improvement.
Visit SLLIS Reading Success Plans Guidance for detailed information.
How to read your child's RSP
STUDENT INFORMATION: On the top left corner, student information including student name, grade, school year, and teacher name will be entered by the current teacher. Other student demographic information will be included below this information including IEP, 504, ELL, other identified plans and other relevant information.
The top of the Reading Success Plan (RSP) provides definitions of each specific literacy need which are identified in the check boxes below based on the school's screener and curriculum-based measures (CBM's) completed in STAR Reinaissance. Based on the score of each required CBM for students based on grade-level (can be found in SLLIS RSP Guidance), teacher input and academic data, the specific literacy need is selected for each individual student. The specific literacy need(s) can address more than one area depending on need and grade level.
Teachers provide information regarding the 'history of achievement' including strengths and areas of growth from previous years based on assessments and/or parent input.
Based on literacy need(s) selected, goals are created for each student that align to the CBM to ensure progress monitoring (PM).
CBMs are conducted every 6-8 weeks and progress is documented
State Approved Assessment Results are input into each RSP in the beginning, middle and end of the year for each student.
Parent Component - provides strategies and at-home resources to work on based on each students individual literacy need goals above.
Ongoing parent communication reading the RSP is documented on the bottom left of the plan as applicable.

Choose from a library of lesson resources using UFLI at-home curriculum.

UFLI Lessons 5-34

UFLI Lessons 35a-41a

UFLI Lessons 54-62

UFLI Lessons 77-83

UFLI Lessons 84-97

UFLI Lessons 25, 27, 35c, 36b-41b, 41c

UFLI Lessons 42-53, 69-71

UFLI Lessons 63-65, 99-102, 107-110

Additional At Home Resources
Support | Resource |
Literacy At Home - supports for parents, Themed Adventure Packs, Supporting School, Literacy in the Sciences | Reading Rockets https://www.readingrockets.org/literacy-home |
After school and summer learning to support at home | Start with a Book https://www.startwithabook.org/ |
Many topics and resources for parent understanding of reading, dyslexia plus resources | Reading Activities for Parents and Caregivers |
Reading Fundamentals | https://www.rif.org/literacy-central/collections/reading-activities-parents-and-caregivers |
Home Connection |