Students arrive via parent drop-off or bus, then head to the cafeteria for breakfast! After breakfast, students head to class, where they are greeted at the door by their teachers.
A Day in the Life…
…of a dual language immersion student! Here’s what a typical day looks like at SLLIS.
Sample Schedules

Arrival and Breakfast

English Language Arts
We combine reading aloud, phonics, phonemic awareness, reading, and writing for a comprehensive English Language Arts block for all our students.

Specials Classes
Our students spend 50 minutes per day in one of our specialist classes: Music, Art, Library, Technology, and Physical Education.

Social Studies
Our students use research and inquiry-based learning as they master standards in our social studies curriculum. They also work with authentic language texts to enhance their social studies knowledge!

Lunch and Recess
Our students eat lunch daily in the cafeteria. Students can bring lunch from home or may opt to eat the school lunch.

Students master mathematics concepts through direct instruction, independent practice, and online skill building.

Target Language Arts
Our Target Language Arts block mirrors our English Language Arts learning standards, but in French, Spanish, and Chinese. Students read authentic texts in the target languages and build their writing skills!

Students learn science through hands-on experiments and vocabulary-building activities.