Volunteering and Background Checks

All SLLIS volunteers, including family members and guardians, must complete an annual background check from the Family Care Safety Registry if they have a desire to volunteer or chaperone SLLIS events. Common volunteer activities include:

  • Work with students individually or in small groups under the supervision of the teacher or staff member

  • Work inside the school, assisting staff with projects (PTO Officers, etc.)

  • Work/organize field day activities

  • Be a room parent, organize class parties

  • Attend field trips

  • Be a class reader

  • Help out during lunch and recess times

You will not need to complete a background check to observe in your child's classroom if you are a SLLIS parent or guardian, but you will be asked to check in through the Raptor system in our front office.

There are a few steps to begin the background check process:

  1. Register through the Family Care Safety Registry. Please follow the information in the provided link here for details about how to go about this. If you are not already registered with the Family Care Safety Registry, this is a one time registration with a fee of $15.25. The registration and fee will be the responsibility of the volunteer, but if you cannot pay please let us know and we can help. Once you submit the information outlined in the attached document, it usually takes the FCSR between 1-2 weeks to complete the check on their end.

  2. Complete the Volunteer Interest Form. It can be found at the link here. This will help us determine where to place you during your volunteer opportunity as well as gather the necessary information to access your background check. If you do not provide your SSN and DOB on the secure form you must contact Dr. Graham, Talent Director (anthony.graham@sllis.org or 314-533-0975 x2228), to provide your information in order for SLLIS to run your background check.

  3. Complete the Parent Consent Form. *only if you will be under the age of 18 at the time of volunteering. The form is linked here. If you are under 18, you can submit a letter of recommendation from a community leader (educator, clergy, employer, etc.) in lieu of the Family Care Safety Registry Registration.

Once we have confirmed your background check and received your interest form, we can get started!

For questions related to the background checks you may reach out to Dr. Graham, Talent Director (anthony.graham@sllis.org or 314-533-0975 x2228).